Contemporary suitcase collection

Unfortunately due to the current Corona virus this meeting has had to be postponed.

At our next meeting on Thursday 19th March, we will be looking at the quilts in the new Contemporary Suitcase collection entitled, “On the Road” . This suitcase collection was only put together at the end of last year.

The suitcase contains 55 A3 quilts. They are divided up into 8 groups with five or six quilts in each group.

The exhibits have been contributed by CQ members from first-timers to well-known professional quilters. All quilts were generously and freely offered to help raise income for CQ.

The interpretation of the theme produced a wide range of topics. These included details of drains and people along the way, through to camper-vans, maps and wide open scenery. The different types of compositions and techniques used, offer many valuable discussion points and learning
opportunities. They are rich source of inspiration.

Included in the suitcase are information sheets for each quilt giving its design inspiration as well as the media and techniques that have been used. The quilts are enriched by their background stories.

You may wish to bring your own pair of clean white gloves. Two sets of gloves are provided for each group, together with notes provided by the quilters.

Looking forward to receiving the suitcase and for us to have the opportunity to discuss and critique. This link takes you a list of the quilts contained in the suitcase, together with the name of the quilter.

Rust mini-workshop

Notes from meeting Tuesday 18 February 2020 – Pauline

Lucy led a morning and afternoon session on Rust, starting the day with an introduction and samples from a workshop with Alice Fox.  We worked in small groups first wetting the fabric we had brought, soaking in white vinegar, then wrapping around rusted objects, and finally tying the bundles with cotton/linen thread, or string.  We left these to rust in litter trays.

After lunch, a quick run through diary dates and plans for future workshops, and a show and tell, Lucy introduced using rust powder.  Having sprinkled, spritzed, sprinkled and spritzed the powder onto fabric and paper we got rather excited as we watched the emerging colours and changing effects.   Now we wait to see how each of us incorporates bits of the fabric into our journal quilts???

Huge thanks to Lucy for thorough preparation for the day, lugging the equipment, books, samples to give us a wonderfully playful and satisfying workshop.  And warm appreciation to Jill for a lemon drizzle cake of which Mary Berry would have approved.  

Click on the image below to reveal a small gallery of photographs capturing the activity.

Dates for exhibition visits

Following on from the success of our group visit to the Bridget Riley exhibition at the Hayward gallery in January, the group agreed to plan on a number of similar outings.

The dates are all on Fridays, meeting for lunch at 12.30 and then visiting the exhibition, around 2.30.  You are invited to either the lunch or the exhibition or both.  We have different people who agreed to co-ordinate these visits.  We know everyone will not be able to attend but hopefully there will be a small group to go to each.

Below are the dates:

April meeting talk

Unfortunately due to the current Corona virus this meeting has had to be postponed

Choosing the Best Category for Your Quilt 

Unfortunately due to the current Corona virus this meeting has had to be postponed.

Linda Seward will be giving a talk about choosing the best category for your work at an exhibition or a judged show, at our meeting on Tuesday 21st April 2020. Below is Linda’s description of her talk:

“When entering your work in an exhibition or judged show, it can be difficult to choose the perfect category. What is the difference between an Art quilt and a Contemporary one, and how do these differ from Pictorial quilts? Should you be thinking about entering an entirely different category to give your quilt the best chance of being noticed? This talk features the work of over 35 textile artists who are making exciting quilts in a variety of styles. An experienced judge, Linda will explain what an art quilt is, and illustrate how it differs from a contemporary and a pictorial quilt by comparing examples of similar styles and designs. By the end of the talk you should be able to differentiate between the categories so you can better decide where to enter your quilt in a show.

If members would like to bring a piece of their work that they don’t mind discussing, we can talk about which category it should be entered into and why. Otherwise, nothing is required for my talk except patience as the audience will be the guinea pigs for this first showing!”

Linda Seward 27th January 2020

Further details of our 2020 programme can be found here

Alphabet fragmentation

CQL January 2020 

Today we undertook a design exercise under the theme of ‘Fractured Alphabets’ hosted by Jeni Rutherford, whereby we freecut from coloured paper letters of the alphabet either as random letters or taken from a short word. These letters, using the positive or negative or a combination of both, were then either further cut into segments or just woven through or placed on each other to create a pleasing design. These designs will form the basis of the first of four 9 inch x 9 inch journal quilts to be exhibited at a later date. Click the link to gallery below which shows photos of the exercise started at the meeting.
